
The types of KSB pumps our repair service covers include submersible motor pumps, submersible borehole pumps and vertical shaft submersible pumps. This includes a vast range of pumps including the AMA Drainer, AMA Porter, Amaline, Amarex, CHTR, Comeo and Emporia.

Looking to repair your KSB motor or drive?

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1-Year Warranty On All Repairs
KSB Pump Repairs:

Faulty pumps are often the cause of leakages, loss of pressure, or complete machine failure. Our repair phase typically addresses common issues with these pumps such as winding faults, bearings, bearing housing damage, worn seals and seal housings, damaged impellers and corroded pump casings.

The Alpha Electrics team inspects your KSB pump within 2 hours of receipt, creating a full quote highlighting any issues found. We then propose a plan of how we intend to carry out the repair, giving you a realistic time scale for return and reinstallation.

The average turnaround time for a KSB pump repair is around 4 - 5 working days. For business critical situations, our fast track system can often repair your pump within a 2 - 3 hour period. Additionally, we provide a 1-year warranty on all repairs carried out.

In most cases, it is both faster and more economical to arrange a repair of your pump than to order a replacement.